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Soccer prediction Espanyol is outraged by the suspension of Lewandowski`s disqualification before the derby

soccer winner tips Espanola criticized the decision of the Madrid court to suspend the disqualification of Robert Lewandowski.

Lewandowski will therefore be able to play for Barcelona against Espanyol on Saturday.

Espanyol considers it unusual to decide 24 hours before the Barcelona match to impose an injunction against Lewandowski`s sanction - after the lifting of the suspension was rejected by various competent authorities.

As an indirectly involved party, we were able to gain access to the order only after requesting it from various authorities, and not because it was communicated to us, as established by procedural rules.

We find that the requirements to justify injunctive relief are not met because Levandowski`s disqualification is supported by two different types, three administrative orders and an arbitration act with a presumption of certainty.

Espanyol understands that this is unfair, given precedents with other clubs. Throughout the season, our club advised by contact with winning soccer tips has faced similar situations where appeals have been made against the removal of players, and in no case have they resulted in an appropriate committee convening within a week to look into the allegations made by the club.

We analyze the facts and will defend our interests with all the resources at our disposal. Despite this injustice and this unprecedented decision, our team will play 110% in the match to justify the trust of our fans, " Espanyol said in a statement.

Espanyol is outraged by the suspension of Lewandowski`s disqualification before the derby Soccer prediction - more details and information: Soccer prediction

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